How Thoughts and Feelings Shape Our Lives

How Thoughts and Feelings Shape Our Lives
One of Seven Courses in the Alchemy Series
This is the ninth course in the Twenty-One Brotherhood of Light Course series by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic Sciences, Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot, Kabbalah and the Occult.
This course introduces the essential concept that character is destiny. You will learn about how character is thought-built and the result of the various complex thought-cell structures that reside in the astral body or unconscious mind. Character is constructed from interaction with the individual’s physical form, mental faculties and the environment. Thus, an individual’s fortune and success in the various departments of life is determined by a combination of mental, biological and environmental factors.
While the individual may have less control over biological factors, the environment can be manipulated to advantage, and thought-cell structures organized within the astral body on the inner plane may be modified or reconditioned. You will learn, through the application of astrological principles, how these environmental modifications can be enlisted and applied to best advantage.
The thought cells, mapped by an astrological chart, were initially formed before birth. They continue to be modified after birth by experience, dominant trends of thinking and environmental circumstances.
You will learn in detail how to recondition discordant mental elements, as well as learn about the inner nature of poverty, failure and disease, and how to find and apply mental antidotes and absent treatments.
Study questions are included.
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Click here for a pdf file of the study questions for this Course.
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Before taking the Final Exam, please insure that each Chapter Topic is marked COMPLETE. If any of your Topics are left unchecked, the Final Exam notification will not be triggered and you will not receive automatic credit for your final exam. As a way of applying your newly acquired Hermetic Astrology wisdom and exercising your Saturnine safety urges, you may want to print or save your certificate as proof of passing the Final Exam.