Birth Chart 2


Dr. Alexis Carrel

June 28, 1873, 11:11 p.m. 4:30E. 44N.
Data from Howard M. Duff.

1906, Member Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, later be came its outstanding researcher: Venus sextile Moon r.

1912, winner Nobel prize: Venus trine Mars r.

1931, winner Nordhoff-Jung Cancer prize: Mars sextile Saturn p, Venus sextile Pluto r.

1935, published, Man The Unknown: Mars square Jupiter r, Venus semisquare Jupiter p, ruler of 9th.

1937, Newman Foundation award: Venus conjunction Mercury r.

1938, with Charles A. Lindbergh (chart in lesson No. 109), published, The Cultivation of Organs: Sun P Jupiter p, Mercury square Pluto r.

The Study Halls of The Academy of Hermetic Arts