Part 2 – Progressing the Horoscope
One of Seven Courses in the Astrology Series
This is part two of the tenth course in a series of 21 Brotherhood of Light Courses by C. C. Zain on the Hermetic Sciences, Astrology, Alchemy, Tarot, Kabbalah and the Occult.
This is an intermediate to advanced level astrology course on calculating and interpreting natal horoscope progressions and transits. This book, which was originally entitled Predicting Events, teaches the student how to calculate and interpret secondary (Major), Minor and Transit progressed aspects of a natal chart.
The book shows how the movement of the planets in the chart after birth reveal probable future trends through indicating the manner in which an individual’s astral (unconscious mind) thought cell structures are stimulated and work to attract activities and events into the life. With this information the individual may seize opportunities or take precautionary action, and through various techniques presented in the book, initiate mental and physical actions to achieve the most desirable outcome. This book discusses how to calculate and interpret the Hermetic system of major (secondary) and minor progressions, how transit aspects act as triggers for major progressions, and how to rectify a horoscope when the exact birth time is unknown.
Recommended for advanced students and professionals and for intermediate students who have studied Course 2, Astrological Signatures, the first two chapters of Course 8, Horary Astrology, and Course 10-1, Natal Astrology: Delineating the Horoscope, by C. C. Zain.
Study questions are included.
Course 10 is a two-part course. Because of this, you were not offered a final exam upon completing 10 1, Delineating the Horoscope. Now, after completing this second part, Progressing the Horoscope, you will be able to take the final exam covering the material in both parts.
For students who enjoy having print copies of the course work, you may order the student format print book by clicking here.
Click here for a pdf file of the study questions for this Course.
IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Before taking the Final Exam, please insure that each Chapter Topic is marked COMPLETE. If any of your Topics are left unchecked, the Final Exam notification will not be triggered and you will not receive automatic credit for your final exam. As a way of applying your newly acquired Hermetic Astrology wisdom and exercising your Saturnine safety urges, you may want to print or save your certificate as proof of passing the Final Exam.